Your tailbone, hips, spine, elbows, heels, ankles and shoulder blades are particularly susceptible to these sores. It is especially important to prevent your skin from being damaged by this kind of chafing because the sores can become infected. And weight loss and the side effects of radiation or chemotherapy can lower resistance to infection.
    Proper skin care, along with adequate nutrition, helps prevent pressure sores and will also keep you feeling refreshed. A nurse or physical therapist can instruct you and your family in the basic techniques of skin care, such as:
• frequent position changes (most important)
• dry, wrinkle-free linen 
• heat
• gentle massage 
• good hygiene
• the use of talcum and skin lotions 
• the use of a foam rubber ("egg crate") mattress or a foam or sheepskin pad to cushion your body and provide
  better air circulation.

Mouth Care  Daily care of your mouth and teeth is always necessary, but cancer treatment can create special problems. Radiotherapy affects the mouth when it is given directly to the area and mouth sores may be a side effect of chemotherapy given for tumors in any part of the body.